💰️ [Event] How to Sell 7+ Figure Deals

Online AMA with a B2B & Enterprise Sales Expert

This is Founders Club - a supportive community for remarkable founders & CEOs focused on personal & business growth.

Exclusive AMA: Selling 7+ Figure Deals

Are you a founder looking to get insights on B2B & Enterprise sales?

Join our Ask Me Anything (AMA) with Feargal O'Sullivan - CEO of USAM Group for over 10 years.

​Feargal specializes in closing 7+ figure deals.

​Learn about:

  • transitioning from founder-led sales to hiring sales teams

  • strategies & tips for sales outreach

  • building relationships with potential customers

  • closing 7+ figure sales

​Ask Feargal questions about sales specific to your business.

When & Where

🗓️ This Wednesday, July ​24th, 12-12:45pm
📍 Online (Zoom)

👉️ Register here: https://lu.ma/rx0rbcxg


​🔥 12-12:20pm: Fireside chat with Feargal
🙋‍♀️ 12:20-12:40pm: AMA with Feargal
💭 12:40-12:45pm: Parting wisdom

Unique Opportunity

These AMAs are typically reserved for Founders Club members only, but we are giving a few spots to non-members.

Spots are limited.

Register before spots run out.

👉️ Register here: https://lu.ma/rx0rbcxg

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See you at the AMA,
Founders Club