Announcing Female Founders Events in NYC

Champagne nights, yoga classes, candle making, art crawls.. sounds like your jam? Sign up!

Hey Ladies!

In recent conversations with female founders I heard a lot of:

“I want to meet other founders but networking events are overwhelming”

“I wish there were more founder events around activities rather than just drinking”

“I’d love to have a supportive group of female entrepreneurs”

I heard you.

Here come cultural & sporty events for Female Founders!

I’m hosting events in NYC starting in June 2023, here are the types of events you can expect:

  • yoga classes

  • exhibition visits

  • cycling

  • Central Park picnic

  • candle making

  • food & drink tastings

  • much more, I welcome your suggestions!

Stay in the loop about upcoming events

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You can also check out existing events here:

Share with other female founders!

Want to collaborate? Have event suggestions? I’m all ears!

Shoot me a message at any of the following:

Looking forward to seeing you,

Kate Chichi